Ussy Sulistiawaty Not Ready Married With Andika Pratama

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In terms of age, both Ussy Sulistiawaty and Andhika Pratama is ready to settle down, especially their relationship has been established three years. But Ussy still did not want to live together as husband and wife with Andhika, what do they reason?

Not give up because never failed, or are still in doubt about the love of loyalty Andhika so Ussy postpone marriage, but she was born July 30, 1980 alone was still not ready to part with his family.

"I am not yet 100 percent ready to leave my mother, father, and my sisters," said Ussy. In fact, Ussy family had asked him to immediately settle down with Andhika. Singer song "Click" This says not planning to marry in the near future Adhika.

"We've an appointment if there was any news would be happy to talk, not surreptitiously, for sure, promise. There is no plan (married) after Idul Fitri, "she said.

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